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Pre-Field - Equipping

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Prospective Field Worker


This process will differ according to your circumstances and the target nation or job you are heading towards. We strongly recommend doing cross-cultural training ahead of time. And you might also need an extra qualification for your visa - now is the time to check! If you are going with an agency, they will have their own process for training and preparation (such as Bible training) that you need to go through. All of this could take quite a lot of time and expense. It is important to learn patience and trust during this time!

As the leadership becomes more sure of a candidate’s call and direction, there will come a time when he/she is officially endorsed as someone who is preparing to go. Decisions need to be made about an agency or a process for training and equipping. Ideally, the church leaders would walk with the candidate through this process. We strongly recommend the raising of personal support teams by the candidate and the church’s backing in that endeavour would be important.


Prospective Field Worker

This process will differ according to your circumstances and the target nation or job you are heading towards. We strongly recommend doing cross-cultural training ahead of time. And you might also need an extra qualification for your visa - now is the time to check! If you are going with an agency, they will have their own process for training and preparation (such as Bible training) that you need to go through. All of this could take quite a lot of time and expense. It is important to learn patience and trust during this time!

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As the leadership becomes more sure of a candidate’s call and direction, there will come a time when he/she is officially endorsed as someone who is preparing to go. Decisions need to be made about an agency or a process for training and equipping. Ideally, the church leaders would walk with the candidate through this process. We strongly recommend the raising of personal support teams by the candidate and the church’s backing in that endeavour would be important.



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