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FieldPartner Re-Launch

Ignorance is not bliss!

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The excitement is building as we countdown to the launch of our new website on the 1st of March! ⁠ ⁠ We will also be launching a few courses on crossing cultures, which we are very excited about! Brace yourselves for an adventure in global understanding! 

Look out for...

  • Our launch webinar on 1st March
  • A brand new website
  • New course materials
  • An online community space
  • Meeting our new Dean of Studies!
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Sermons, interviews, podcasts
January 26, 2024

Introducing Ben Gilbert!

We're thrilled to introduce Ben, our new Dean of Studies for FieldPartner English. A proper Third Culture Kid, Ben's experience and skillset makes him the perfect fit for this new role, so before he started officially, we managed to sit down and get to know him a little more. Growing up as a missionary kid […]
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November 10, 2023

Serving in Slums, Steps of Faith & Turning Tables | Nicola Neal

When Nicola and husband Simon were called out of a comfortable life into the poorest communities, they had no idea they'd end up serving in slums in Uganda. Nicola's story is an incredible exploration of steps of faith, seeing how God can bring incredible transformation to the most dire situations. You'll come away from this […]
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July 21, 2023

Interview with Andy McCullough

Having grown up in Cyprus, being married to Jessica – who is South African – and with four children who were born in the UK but grew up in the Middle East, Andy is no stranger to crossing cultures! In this insightful interview he shares his experiences and lessons learned from years serving in Istanbul, […]
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May 31, 2023

Interview with Samuel Renling

We had the chance to sit down with Samuel and hear a little about his cross-cultural story. Hailing from rural Sweden, Samuel's parents service as missionaries has had a significant impact on his own life, as he too has served in cross-cultural contexts, particularly with young people, and now as a husband to Joy, from […]
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Reading Resources

Blogs, news, bible studies
January 28, 2024

Resolution Number 4 - Make Friends with Those From Other Places And Cultures

Resolution Number 4 - Make Friends with Those From Other Places And Cultures

Today we come to the fourth of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions that are intended to help us grow in Cross-Cultural Mission awareness. This one is relatively easy to do and comes with a very low price tag: “I will learn about internationals in my community. Missions begin at home, especially when God is […]
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January 21, 2024

Resolution Number 3 - Pray For An Unreached People Group

Resolution Number 3 - Pray For An Unreached People Group

The third of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will learn about, and pray weekly, for unreached peoples.” Lawless suggested that we “go to joshuaproject.net and do some research. Prayerfully choose a people, and pray that the gospel gets to them. Consider this truth: you may […]
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January 15, 2024

Resolution Number 2 - Pray For Missionaries

Resolution Number 2 - Pray For Missionaries

The second of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will pray for missionaries by name at least one day per week. Maybe you already know a number of missionaries. If not, ask your pastor to help you connect with some for whom you can pray.” To […]
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January 8, 2024

Resolution Number 1

Resolution Number 1

Last Sunday I listed Chuck Lawless’ suggestions for 10 New Year’s resolutions that relate to cross-cultural mission. Lawless wrote: “I’d like to challenge you to think more externally and globally with your resolutions this year. The new year is another opportunity of grace to be part of reaching the nations.” The battle most of us […]
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  • Jackie Pullinger, Cross cultural Missionary to Hong Kong

    Jackie Pullinger

    Missionary to Hong Kong since 1966
    Founder of the St Stephen's Society
    Ross & Christine’s training and ministry have always had a biblical base, integrity and practicality. This material meets a need vital for the mission field and use on the ground. It will help to make Jesus known in different cultures.
    George Verwer, Operation Mobiliation - for sharing the gospel

    George Verwer

    Founder and former International Director
    Operation Mobilization
    I have followed Ross since his student days at Cambridge when he also joined OM for a short time. I have seen God using him and his wife in wonderful ways and their commitment to China is outstanding. They have a teaching ministry that has impacted many lives and you will be blessed as you take time to read and listen.
  • Simon Guillebaud

    Founder And International Director
    Great Lakes Outreach
    The Patersons have been a lifelong inspiration to me in laying down their lives for the call to cross-cultural missions. I cannot think of any better training available on the web than FieldPartner, which is the synthesis of their five decades of learning on the ground as authentic practitioners.
    Rachel, Missions student from Taiwan


    From Taiwan
    Before going on a short mission trip to China, I learned a lot at the Barnabas School of Missions, which was built by the Antioch Missions founder Ross Paterson and his wife Christine. The program provides training to challenge us to want to see God glorified among the nations. Ross and Christine’s 48 years of mission experiences taught me how to do it - and how not to do it!
  • "I am a huge fan of cross culture training before hitting the mission field... I would go as far as to say is absolutely the difference between being successful and lasting out long-term on the mission field and burning out within a short period of time and having to head back home."
    Lydia, attended Ross and Christine's Cross cultural training

    Years of mission experience
    in Asia and Middle East

  • Simon Guillebaud, Founder at Great Lakes Outreach for cross cultural missions


    Student of 'Crossing Cultures 101'
    ...a total revelation for me and it helps to explain some of my past struggles in cross-cultural experiences. As I've been exposed to several cultures, I often wonder what's my true identity and have this constant longing for a sense of belonging, while at the same time I appreciate the fact the exposure has made me more adaptable...Thank you!
    Rachel, Missions student from Taiwan


    Student of 'The Antioch Factor' &
    'Crossing Cultures 101'
    That was excellent and very insightful...I need to think on this more, a lot more! So much to take in and think over in this module. This should be part of all church discipleship programmes.

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