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  • Pre-Field

    Discover. Train. Prepare.

What is the Pre-Field Stage?

This is a crucial time, when you need to: 
  • confirm your sense of calling, 
  • strengthen your spiritual foundations, 
  • start to build your support network and 
  • get the most suitable training for what lies ahead. 
It may be long or a short process. However our hope is that, by the time you leave, both you and those who send you will be on the same page as to how to keep you there for the long haul! Follow the interactive ‘map’ below to see what we mean.

Pre Field Resources

Pre Field Resources

Calling - Who? What? Why?

This mini course of 5 short videos requires no registration and is designed for anybody!

Part 1 - Do We All Need a Call?

In this first video in a short series on the topic of calling, lifelong missionary Ross Paterson starts with a fundamental question: Does everybody need a call? Do we all get a call? Or is it only the exceptional Christians who receive a ‘proper’ calling from God?
Watch the first video


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Resolution Number 4 - Make Friends with Those From Other Places And Cultures

Today we come to the fourth of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions that are intended to help us grow in Cross-Cultural Mission awareness. This one is relatively easy to do and comes with a very low price tag: “I will learn about internationals in my community. Missions begin at home, especially when God is […]
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Resolution Number 3 - Pray For An Unreached People Group

The third of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will learn about, and pray weekly, for unreached peoples.” Lawless suggested that we “go to joshuaproject.net and do some research. Prayerfully choose a people, and pray that the gospel gets to them. Consider this truth: you may […]
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Resolution Number 2 - Pray For Missionaries

The second of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will pray for missionaries by name at least one day per week. Maybe you already know a number of missionaries. If not, ask your pastor to help you connect with some for whom you can pray.” To […]
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Resolution Number 1

Last Sunday I listed Chuck Lawless’ suggestions for 10 New Year’s resolutions that relate to cross-cultural mission. Lawless wrote: “I’d like to challenge you to think more externally and globally with your resolutions this year. The new year is another opportunity of grace to be part of reaching the nations.” The battle most of us […]
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10 Cross-Cultural Mission New Year’s Resolutions.

Here is a suggestion. If you make New Year’s resolutions, why not make some that are cross-cultural mission related? Chuck Lawless wrote “If you’re like I am, your New Year’s resolutions are often self-focused. We plan to exercise more, eat less, save more dollars, take more time off, accomplish some long-delayed goals, and generally make […]
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My Tribute, and Debt to, George Verwer

George Verwer died on April 14th, as I write only 8 short days ago. John Piper said that George’s “personal and global influence was inestimable” and that he was “one of the greatest missions leaders of the last one hundred years”. George deserves a second look. I wrote the facts of his life in a […]
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Resolution Number 4 - Make Friends with Those From Other Places And Cultures

Today we come to the fourth of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions that are intended to help us grow in Cross-Cultural Mission awareness. This one is relatively easy to do and comes with a very low price tag: “I will learn about internationals in my community. Missions begin at home, especially when God is […]
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Resolution Number 3 - Pray For An Unreached People Group

The third of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will learn about, and pray weekly, for unreached peoples.” Lawless suggested that we “go to joshuaproject.net and do some research. Prayerfully choose a people, and pray that the gospel gets to them. Consider this truth: you may […]
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Resolution Number 2 - Pray For Missionaries

The second of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will pray for missionaries by name at least one day per week. Maybe you already know a number of missionaries. If not, ask your pastor to help you connect with some for whom you can pray.” To […]
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Check out the free courses, blogs, sermons and podcasts - look out for the blue tags to discover content tailored for you!

Serving in Slums, Steps of Faith & Turning Tables | Nicola Neal

When Nicola and husband Simon were called out of a comfortable life into the poorest communities, they had no idea they'd end up serving in slums in Uganda. Nicola's story is an incredible exploration of steps of faith, seeing how God can bring incredible transformation to the most dire situations. You'll come away from this […]
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Interview with Andy McCullough

Having grown up in Cyprus, being married to Jessica – who is South African – and with four children who were born in the UK but grew up in the Middle East, Andy is no stranger to crossing cultures! In this insightful interview he shares his experiences and lessons learned from years serving in Istanbul, […]
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Interview with Lori Rogers

Our latest interview is with Lori Rogers, who leads MomentumYes, an exciting mission mobilisation organisation. Their free, 6-part video course is quickly spreading all around the world to over 50 nations, with multiple language translations in the pipeline! We had a great discussion, and discovered that we share the same heart - that every Christian […]
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Interview with Dr Mary Ho

Dr Mary Ho serves as the International Executive Leader of All Nations International, a global Christian missions organization. In this current role, Dr. Ho provides leadership and direction for All Nations which has grown to four hubs and 400 cross-cultural workers in more than 40 countries. This is a wonderful interview, that is a little different […]
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Serving in Slums, Steps of Faith & Turning Tables | Nicola Neal

When Nicola and husband Simon were called out of a comfortable life into the poorest communities, they had no idea they'd end up serving in slums in Uganda. Nicola's story is an incredible exploration of steps of faith, seeing how God can bring incredible transformation to the most dire situations. You'll come away from this […]
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Interview with Andy McCullough

Having grown up in Cyprus, being married to Jessica – who is South African – and with four children who were born in the UK but grew up in the Middle East, Andy is no stranger to crossing cultures! In this insightful interview he shares his experiences and lessons learned from years serving in Istanbul, […]
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Recommended Reading

Click the button below to explore more Pre-Field books, and other categories too!


David & Lorene Wilson

Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization
What would it look like if your church really took the last words of Jesus seriously?
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When Helping Hurts

Brian Fikkert & Steve Corbett

How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor...and Yourself
Offering a much-needed perspective on how to live the commands of Jesus, Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett explore nuanced ways of alleviating poverty. Poverty is much more than simply a lack of material resources, and it takes much more than donations and handouts to solve it.
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Mission Smart

David L. Frazier

15 Critical Questions To Ask Before Launching Overseas
Mission Smart addresses serious gaps in the mission mobilization process and offers fresh solutions for seeing less missionary attrition. Mission Smart is for overseas ministry candidates, church leaders, and mission agency staff.
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Making the Most of Your First Year in Cross-Cultural Service
You’ve made the leap and said yes to serving God cross-culturally. You’re anticipating your big adventure and prepared to serve whatever the cost. But now the questions and practicalities flood in...
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David & Lorene Wilson

Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization
What would it look like if your church really took the last words of Jesus seriously?
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When Helping Hurts

Brian Fikkert & Steve Corbett

How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor...and Yourself
Offering a much-needed perspective on how to live the commands of Jesus, Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett explore nuanced ways of alleviating poverty. Poverty is much more than simply a lack of material resources, and it takes much more than donations and handouts to solve it.
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Resources - Watch & Listen

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