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These pages have been written by Christine Paterson, and originally formed a chapter in the first version of Ross' book, ‘The Antioch Factor’.

Ross writes, "I feel its content is unique, which is why we are making it available here. The challenge it brings, out of Christine’s personal experience as a missionary daughter, wife and mother on the field, is one of the most important messages of the book."

Featured Books

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The Antioch Factor

Ross Paterson

The Hidden Message of the Book of Acts
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Rod & Ruthie Gilbert, Ross & Christine Paterson

A Cross Cultural worker's guide to creating a Personal Accountability and Care Team
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Featured Books

The Antioch Factor

Ross Paterson

The Hidden Message of the Book of Acts

There is a hidden message in the book of Acts. The code words are "Jerusalem" and "Antioch". Every church is making a right or wrong decision in this matter. The early church in Jerusalem got it wrong, so God had to change His plan to work through the Antioch church. Read the book to find out what that hidden message is! This book is the basis for our course of the same name. Check out Ross' sermons and interview. Download a free chapter from the book here!

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Rod & Ruthie Gilbert, Ross & Christine Paterson

A Cross Cultural worker's guide to creating a Personal Accountability and Care Team

This book is a cross-cultural workers’ guide to creating a Personal Accountability and Care Team (PACT). Written by experienced missionaries, this short book makes such a team attainable whatever your circumstances may be!

Buy it here
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