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About FieldPartner

An online portal of resources for Christian missionaries working across cultures

Our Vision and Mission

Mission Statement: Providing and directing people towards resources to equip them in any stage of cross-cultural mission.

Vision Statement: That anybody who goes to the mission field should be properly trained, well resourced, and wholeheartedly supported by their sending church. 

What do we offer?

How To Use This Website

We have tagged all of our content to meet your specific needs. From discerning your calling through to re-entry challenges after returning home, we have every stage covered.

We also recognise the importance of those supporting missionaries from home - the families, churches and communities. We have resources to help these 'senders' understand the challenges their loved ones will face.

Simply click on the links below to be taken to a landing page with blogs, sermons, podcasts and more tailored to you. Look out for our colour-coded tags throughout the site!

Pre Field

I want to train for
cross-cultural mission
Learn more

I am exploring or preparing for cross-cultural mission.

On Field

I’m working on
the mission field
Learn more

I am already serving in a new culture but want more input and connections.

Post Field

I’ve returned
from mission
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I am in the re-entry phase /I am settled and want to give back to others in missions.


I’m a supporter
of missionaries
Learn more

I am a supporter of missionaries and want to understand better how to help them thrive.


Our foundations tag is for all of our Christian teaching. The cornerstone of being an effective missionary is our faith - we want to walk closely with Jesus every day as we spread the good news. FieldPartner is filled with biblical teaching and guidance to challenge and encourage in this area.

This teaching is applicable to all believers but is especially important for those on the mission field as they face the many challenges it brings. Simply click on the link below to be taken to the Foundations page with blogs, sermons, podcasts and more tailored to you. Look out purple tags throughout the site!

Who Is Behind FieldPartner?

FieldPartner was founded by Ross and Christine Paterson in this final season of their active ministry, born from a passion to serve the global mission community. It is growing into a worldwide network with links to partner organisations working in many different places. We are funded by generous supporters like you. So there is another kind of ‘partner’ we also are looking for to join us financially - the more the merrier!

Because we have chosen to offer all our content for free, this journey to equip the next generation of missionaries is a walk of faith for us. We love what Paul says to the Philippian church, when he thanks God for their “partnership in the gospel from the first day until now”. From the context that seems to have meant partnering by prayer and financial support (see Phil 1:19 and 4:15.16), and also by their encouragement and belief in him.

So for us too, we’ll not stop working hard to make this vision happen, but we’d love to invite you into that same sense of partnership with us, whether or not you are heading to another culture yourself. We invite you to partner with us:

• By your prayers for the many challenges we face
• By your investment in us in giving as you are able, so we can continue to bring the work forward
• By advocating for us and what we are seeking to do, so others get to hear about it and by your encouragement in giving feedback.

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FieldPartner is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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