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  • Post-Field

    Reflect. Renew. Pass On.

What is the Post-Field Stage?

If you’re returning home temporarily or permanently after a season of cross-cultural mission, we want to support you with practical and spiritual issues you may face. Check out the interactive resource map below to explore the journey, and the relationship between the church and field worker.

Post Field Resources

Pre Field Resources


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Resolution Number 4 - Make Friends with Those From Other Places And Cultures

Today we come to the fourth of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions that are intended to help us grow in Cross-Cultural Mission awareness. This one is relatively easy to do and comes with a very low price tag: “I will learn about internationals in my community. Missions begin at home, especially when God is […]
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Resolution Number 3 - Pray For An Unreached People Group

The third of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will learn about, and pray weekly, for unreached peoples.” Lawless suggested that we “go to joshuaproject.net and do some research. Prayerfully choose a people, and pray that the gospel gets to them. Consider this truth: you may […]
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Resolution Number 2 - Pray For Missionaries

The second of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will pray for missionaries by name at least one day per week. Maybe you already know a number of missionaries. If not, ask your pastor to help you connect with some for whom you can pray.” To […]
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My Tribute, and Debt to, George Verwer

George Verwer died on April 14th, as I write only 8 short days ago. John Piper said that George’s “personal and global influence was inestimable” and that he was “one of the greatest missions leaders of the last one hundred years”. George deserves a second look. I wrote the facts of his life in a […]
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Not Your Normal Missionary!

George Patterson (1920-2012) went out as a missionary to Tibet with Geoffrey Bull in 1947. Though they began together, they went in very different directions. I wrote recently about how Bull was captured and imprisoned by the Communists, accused of being a British spy. After Bull’s release and departure from China, he remained a missionary, […]
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Two Special Friends Who Made a Difference

Larry and Beth. Two ‘Ordinary’ People Who Made A Real Difference. Ross and Christine Paterson Write About Two Special Friends. Larry and Beth* (not their real names) are a wonderful example of ordinary people who surrendered to Jesus to make a real difference for Him in the lives of many others. Larry and Beth met […]
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Resolution Number 4 - Make Friends with Those From Other Places And Cultures

Today we come to the fourth of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions that are intended to help us grow in Cross-Cultural Mission awareness. This one is relatively easy to do and comes with a very low price tag: “I will learn about internationals in my community. Missions begin at home, especially when God is […]
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Resolution Number 3 - Pray For An Unreached People Group

The third of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will learn about, and pray weekly, for unreached peoples.” Lawless suggested that we “go to joshuaproject.net and do some research. Prayerfully choose a people, and pray that the gospel gets to them. Consider this truth: you may […]
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Resolution Number 2 - Pray For Missionaries

The second of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will pray for missionaries by name at least one day per week. Maybe you already know a number of missionaries. If not, ask your pastor to help you connect with some for whom you can pray.” To […]
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Check out the free courses, blogs, sermons and podcasts - look out for the red tags to discover content tailored for you!

Serving in Slums, Steps of Faith & Turning Tables | Nicola Neal

When Nicola and husband Simon were called out of a comfortable life into the poorest communities, they had no idea they'd end up serving in slums in Uganda. Nicola's story is an incredible exploration of steps of faith, seeing how God can bring incredible transformation to the most dire situations. You'll come away from this […]
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Greg and Lisa Interview

For security reasons, we can't show you Greg and Lisa's faces. But they have a story that is well-worth hearing. After serving unreached people in China, they were interrogated by the Chinese Police, and forced to leave. They have moved to Cape Town in South Africa, where they now serve refugees. These faithful servants of […]
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Interview with Elizabeth Trotter

Elizabeth and her husband Jonathan were missionaries to Cambodia. They returned to America during Covid lockdown in a sudden and difficult end to their years of ministry. During their time on the field, and since, they have dedicated much time to creating blogs, books, podcasts and more to share their wisdom and reflections, often on […]
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Interview with Michael Prest

Michael Prest is the director of our partner, UFM Worldwide. In this thought-provoking interview, he shares his personal story and how that led him to his current role today at UFM, an organisation that works to foster and nurture the role of the sending church in raising up and supporting cross-cultural missionaries. Read Michael's excellent […]
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Interview with Bev Gigney

  Bev Gigney founded a children's home called Dove's Wings during her years serving in China, having had a clear call to go and work with children in that nation. Along her journey she experienced setbacks and tragedy, which sadly led to her having to leave the mission field very suddenly. An important part of […]
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Interview with Joann Pittman

Teacher, author, speaker, blogger and plenty more besides, Joann Pittman's years in China have developed a wealth of knowledge for and a deep love of this nation. In this interview she shares her journey to China, the way it has impacted her life, and the story behind her fascinating book.
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Serving in Slums, Steps of Faith & Turning Tables | Nicola Neal

When Nicola and husband Simon were called out of a comfortable life into the poorest communities, they had no idea they'd end up serving in slums in Uganda. Nicola's story is an incredible exploration of steps of faith, seeing how God can bring incredible transformation to the most dire situations. You'll come away from this […]
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Greg and Lisa Interview

For security reasons, we can't show you Greg and Lisa's faces. But they have a story that is well-worth hearing. After serving unreached people in China, they were interrogated by the Chinese Police, and forced to leave. They have moved to Cape Town in South Africa, where they now serve refugees. These faithful servants of […]
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Interview with Elizabeth Trotter

Elizabeth and her husband Jonathan were missionaries to Cambodia. They returned to America during Covid lockdown in a sudden and difficult end to their years of ministry. During their time on the field, and since, they have dedicated much time to creating blogs, books, podcasts and more to share their wisdom and reflections, often on […]
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Recommended Reading

Click the button below to explore more Post-Field books, and other categories too!

Arriving Well

Cate Brubaker, Doreen Cumberland, Helen Watts

Arriving Well is a compilation of five raw, compelling, autobiographical stories about re-entry.
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Rhythms of Grace

Tony Horsfall

Finding Intimacy with God in a Busy Life
Tony shows how contemplative spirituality, with its emphasis on realising our identity as God's beloved children and on being rather than doing, has vital lessons for us about discovering intimacy with God. 
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Starting and Finishing Well in Cross-cultural Service
Veteran of serving abroad Amy Young is the perfect companion to guide you through the much-neglected process of transitions.
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For many overseas workers, re-entry is the hardest part...
Suzanne Johnson and her family live in a children's centre in Mozambique. They love their community, ministry and way of life, but other factors are pulling them back to the UK. They face a difficult decision: to stay or to return?
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Arriving Well

Cate Brubaker, Doreen Cumberland, Helen Watts

Arriving Well is a compilation of five raw, compelling, autobiographical stories about re-entry.
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Rhythms of Grace

Tony Horsfall

Finding Intimacy with God in a Busy Life
Tony shows how contemplative spirituality, with its emphasis on realising our identity as God's beloved children and on being rather than doing, has vital lessons for us about discovering intimacy with God. 
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