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The Cross and Resurrection: The Core of Our Faith

Released by Ross Paterson over Easter 2021. Following the story of Jesus' death and resurrection from the gospel of John.

You can follow Ross' daily devotionals on our Facebook page.


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Who Is In Charge Here? - Easter Week Pt 1

Today we begin readings in John’s Gospel that will take us to Easter, beginning with John 18:1-14. The focus is of course on the Lord Jesus Himself.
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Strange Fires - Easter Week Pt 2

John 18:15-27 continues the narrative of Jesus’ path to the cross. Today the spotlight shines on Peter. If it’s shining on Peter, it also is shining on us.
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What is Truth? - Easter Week Pt 3

John 18:29-40 takes us from the Jewish leaders' inquisition of vv19-27 to the Roman Praetorium, leaving the challenging "two fires" described in yesterday's passage. There we collide with Pilate’s massive question “what is truth?”
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Power Games - Easter Week Pt 4

How extraordinary that Jesus in the midst of such horrific injustice and violence could be confident in His Father’s authority and sovereignty. Surely He was powerless; power lay with Pilate, the soldiers, the Jewish leaders.
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The Divine Exchange - Easter Week Pt 5

John 19:16-30 contains John’s account of the actual crucifixion of Jesus. It is surprisingly economical. John’s invitation is to avoid reading quickly through the verses, but rather to stand before the cross of Jesus and stay there and meditate on his words.
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He Took His Time, But He Made It! - Easter Week Pt 6

John 19:31-42 describes the events leading to the burial of Jesus after His death on the cross. It is a passage so rich in content that it is hard to know where to start.
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He Is Risen. Hallelujah! - Easter Week Pt 7

John 20:1-10 begins the Easter narrative. Jesus is risen! Scripture Union restricts us to those ten verses today, which is frustrating! But Word For Today has a powerful insight that brings the passage alive.
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Seekers And Finders - Easter Week Pt 8

John 20:11-18 can be described as “Mary Magdalene meets the Risen Lord.” There is something astonishing there. The resurrection narrative, this event that changes everything in time and eternity, in these verses just focuses on one person.
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Peace, Real Peace - Easter Week Pt 9

John 20:19-31 is a familiar passage. It is also a highly concentrated one whose rich content comes as we dig into it and open it up. Firstly, “Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, ‘Peace be with you…’”
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Jesus Is Taking Over! - Easter Week Pt 10

John 21:1-14 tells how the disciples returned to Galilee and then went on an overnight fishing trip. How come? It seems so routine, so ordinary. Jesus has risen from the dead, they have met Him twice, surely everything should be different?
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Do You Agree? - Easter Week Pt 11

John 21:15-19 is arguably the most important passage for those who call themselves Christians in the entire New Testament. Read the Bible passage for yourself with that in mind. Five verses that could change your life! Read and see if you agree with me! If you read to the end, I have added a very personal statement!
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Your Choice – The Comparison Game Or A Unique Destiny - Easter Week Pt 12

John 21:20-25 brings us to the end of these studies in John’s Gospel. These few verses are a hugely powerful evidence of the truth and authenticity of the Bible. You would think that John would end with some amazing revelations from Jesus. But he does not.
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