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  • Foundations

    Solid Biblical Teaching
“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.”

Jude 20-21

What is foundations?

In this ‘Foundations’ section, we talk about the spiritual life skills needed for longevity in missions - a strong walk with God, knowing how to lay hold of His Word personally and understanding spiritual warfare. We need many other skills besides these, and that is what cross-cultural training is all about. But without knowing how to lean into God’s wonderful Master Care, which undergirds everything, we still can easily founder on the rocks of many kinds of testing.

What are the fundamentals that need to be in place for missionaries to thrive in the call of God to serve Him in a culture other than their own? There has been much debate on this issue and reasons given for why ‘missionary attrition’ (defined as ‘leaving the field earlier than intended for preventable reasons’) takes place.

Free Workshop - How to Guard a Dream

From Global Trellis

“How to Guard a Dream” considers three questions:

  • What type of dreamer are you?
  • What are the elements of good storytelling?
  • How do you guard a dream? 

Dreams are God-given ways to experience the Kingdom of God here on earth. But they don’t just happen. Do you know how to guard your dream? Now you can. Offered for free until July 13th.

Check It Out

Quiet Time

What is quiet time for? What should it look like? Ross Paterson explores...
January 29, 2018

Quiet Time 1: Importance of Quiet Time with God

This is the first talk in the series, and I will cover the following: What is a Quiet Time? What does that have to do with Cross Cultural Mission? What are some problems that people face with regards to Quiet Time?
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February 8, 2018

Quiet Time 2: Should we follow a fixed structure?

In this second lesson on Quiet Time I want to discuss the Balance Between Legalism and Being Too Casual
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January 15, 2020

Quiet time 3: Elements of a Quiet Time

This is the final post in a 3-part series: Quiet Time 1: Importance of Quiet Time with God Quiet Time 2: Should we follow a fixed structure? Quiet Time 3: Elements of a Quiet Time Ross shares his three elements of a quiet time, bible reading, prayer and worship. Video Transcript Ross Paterson here and […]
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The Cross and Resurrection: the Core of our Faith

Written by Ross Paterson over Easter 2021. You can follow Ross' daily devotionals on our Facebook Page.

Online Prayer Workshop

Prayer & Ministry

What does it mean to abide in Christ?

Created by our Partners, Didasko Intercultural Ministry Training.

In-depth research has found that missionaries who “lavish extravagant daily time” on Jesus bear more fruit in terms of disciples made (John 15:5) than those who don’t. This workshop helps Christians learn from Scripture and one another what it means to “abide in Christ” by looking into practical ways of obeying what Jesus taught in John 15:1-17.


Check out the free courses, blogs, sermons and podcasts - look out for the blue tags to discover content tailored for you!

Hudson Taylor’s Two Burdens

“Hudson Taylor was wracked with doubt: he worried about sending men and women unprotected into the interior; at the same time, he despaired for the millions of Chinese who were dying without the hope of the gospel. In 1865 he wrote in his diary, ‘For two or three months, intense conflict … I thought I […]
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Paul’s New Year 'Resolutions'!

Philippians 4:10-23 contains two wonderful challenges for 2023! 1. Challenge #1 for 2023. Paul had learned the secret of contentment. “I have learned in whatever state I am to be content” (verse 11). Paul defines what he means by that – that ‘contentment’ might include being ‘abased’ or ‘abounding’, “to be full and to be […]
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Go and do likewise...

Ross speaks from the story of the Good Samaritan with a powerful call to us all...
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Each Meeting Was An Awesome Encounter With God: Pearl Young

When I searched for Pearl Young on the internet, I found that there is very little information about her. That is typical of Pearl. She really only had one message, that of seeking the presence of the Lord, not chasing after men and their tools of publicity. Her passion was the presence of God and […]
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Mother of Chinese House Church: Marie Monsen

Marie Monsen (1878-1962) was a Norwegian missionary who served in China between 1901 and 1932. Her life is an amazing example of how God can turn an ordinary man or woman into someone who makes a significant difference in the lives of others. She was used by God to bring powerful revival to parts of […]
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Helen Roseveare Part 2: Price and Privilege

Recently, I wrote about Helen Roseveare, an outstanding missionary to Africa. Her achievements were amazing in terms of hospitals built and medical services provided for those who had none. But there is another side that we need to look at if we are to understand this woman of God. All this success came at a […]
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Hudson Taylor’s Two Burdens

“Hudson Taylor was wracked with doubt: he worried about sending men and women unprotected into the interior; at the same time, he despaired for the millions of Chinese who were dying without the hope of the gospel. In 1865 he wrote in his diary, ‘For two or three months, intense conflict … I thought I […]
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Paul’s New Year 'Resolutions'!

Philippians 4:10-23 contains two wonderful challenges for 2023! 1. Challenge #1 for 2023. Paul had learned the secret of contentment. “I have learned in whatever state I am to be content” (verse 11). Paul defines what he means by that – that ‘contentment’ might include being ‘abased’ or ‘abounding’, “to be full and to be […]
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Go and do likewise...

Ross speaks from the story of the Good Samaritan with a powerful call to us all...
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Recommended Daily Devotionals

  • Known

    Hils Grew

    If somebody asked you, 'Who are you?', how would you reply? In this devotional with a difference, Hils Grew invites you in an engaging way to dive deeper into your God-given identity as His daughter. Key to becoming the woman God made you to be and living the life He's called you to is knowing who you are and being confident in it. Confidence comes from knowing; knowing how He's designed you, knowing what He's called you to, and knowing the One who knows you. 
  • Choose Life

    Simon Guillebaud

    This unique set of daily readings from bestselling author Simon Guillebaud encourages the reader to live the Christian life without compromise and without restraint; to live on full throttle and with utter abandonment to Christ.
  • declaring God's word 365 Derek Prince

    Declaring God's Word

    Derek Prince

    God expects us to speak Jesus' words and experience the same powerful results that He did For the first time, the world-renowned Bible teaching of Derek Prince has been condensed into a daily devotional. Or listen to the daily podcast here.
Discover More Books

...or Discover the Daily Derek Prince Devotional

derek prince ministries

Recommended External Courses

silhouetted man stands in front of sunset

Prayer & Ministry

by Didasko


Helping Christians learn from Scripture and one another what it means to “abide in Christ” looking into practical ways of obeying what Jesus taught in John 15:1-17.
man praying outside

DPM Prayer Course

by Derek Prince Ministires


Starting May 6th 2021 - available for a limited time. You will explore these three aspects of prayer and you will discover new ways to incorporate them in your walk with the Lord.

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We want to support you at any stage of the cross-cultural mission journey, so we have coaching and a private community facebook group available for those on the field or taking our courses.


Discover Sermons from Ross Paterson.

Foundations Podcast

fieldpartner foundations podcast
Available on all major platforms.
FieldPartner Podcasts

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