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  • On-Field

    Challenge. Learn. Grow.

What is the On-Field Stage?

For those already on the field, the picture can look very different from how one expected. Frequent issues include navigating culture shock; conflict across cultures and within the team; marital issues and family needs; personal and spiritual growth; maintaining balance and rest; support from home and on the field.

Check out the interactive resource map below to explore the journey, and the relationship between the church and field worker.

On Field Resources

On Field Resources


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Resolution Number 2 - Pray For Missionaries

The second of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will pray for missionaries by name at least one day per week. Maybe you already know a number of missionaries. If not, ask your pastor to help you connect with some for whom you can pray.” To […]
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My Tribute, and Debt to, George Verwer

George Verwer died on April 14th, as I write only 8 short days ago. John Piper said that George’s “personal and global influence was inestimable” and that he was “one of the greatest missions leaders of the last one hundred years”. George deserves a second look. I wrote the facts of his life in a […]
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Faith in Captivity

Geoffrey T. Bull (1921-1999) had a very unusual missionary career – he only served as a missionary for a few short years, followed by some very unusual circumstances. Yet, in the deep struggles that he encountered, he was enabled to showcase two very critical elements in the life of any missionary who is determined not […]
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Maria, The Extraordinary Wife Of Hudson Taylor.

Maria Jane Taylor (née Dyer, 1837-1870) was born in Penang, Malaya, the youngest child of pioneer missionary Samuel Dyer and his wife Maria. Her father died in 1843, her mother in 1846, both before she was 10. Maria and her older sister Burella were sent back to England and were inseparable, so Maria accompanied Burella […]
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Two Special Friends Who Made a Difference

Larry and Beth. Two ‘Ordinary’ People Who Made A Real Difference. Ross and Christine Paterson Write About Two Special Friends. Larry and Beth* (not their real names) are a wonderful example of ordinary people who surrendered to Jesus to make a real difference for Him in the lives of many others. Larry and Beth met […]
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A Missionary With A Different Vision

William A.P. Martin, 丁韪良 , (1827-1916), was an American missionary who served for 62 years in China between 1850 and 1916. The photo above, taken in 1905, shows three highly respected missionaries to China, whose mission approaches, at least as between Martin and the other two, were different and sometimes involved disagreements. Hudson Taylor (on […]
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Resolution Number 2 - Pray For Missionaries

The second of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will pray for missionaries by name at least one day per week. Maybe you already know a number of missionaries. If not, ask your pastor to help you connect with some for whom you can pray.” To […]
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My Tribute, and Debt to, George Verwer

George Verwer died on April 14th, as I write only 8 short days ago. John Piper said that George’s “personal and global influence was inestimable” and that he was “one of the greatest missions leaders of the last one hundred years”. George deserves a second look. I wrote the facts of his life in a […]
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Faith in Captivity

Geoffrey T. Bull (1921-1999) had a very unusual missionary career – he only served as a missionary for a few short years, followed by some very unusual circumstances. Yet, in the deep struggles that he encountered, he was enabled to showcase two very critical elements in the life of any missionary who is determined not […]
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Check out the free courses, blogs, sermons and podcasts - look out for the green tags to discover content tailored for you!

Serving in Slums, Steps of Faith & Turning Tables | Nicola Neal

When Nicola and husband Simon were called out of a comfortable life into the poorest communities, they had no idea they'd end up serving in slums in Uganda. Nicola's story is an incredible exploration of steps of faith, seeing how God can bring incredible transformation to the most dire situations. You'll come away from this […]
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Interview with Andy McCullough

Having grown up in Cyprus, being married to Jessica – who is South African – and with four children who were born in the UK but grew up in the Middle East, Andy is no stranger to crossing cultures! In this insightful interview he shares his experiences and lessons learned from years serving in Istanbul, […]
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Interview with Samuel Renling

We had the chance to sit down with Samuel and hear a little about his cross-cultural story. Hailing from rural Sweden, Samuel's parents service as missionaries has had a significant impact on his own life, as he too has served in cross-cultural contexts, particularly with young people, and now as a husband to Joy, from […]
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Greg and Lisa Interview

For security reasons, we can't show you Greg and Lisa's faces. But they have a story that is well-worth hearing. After serving unreached people in China, they were interrogated by the Chinese Police, and forced to leave. They have moved to Cape Town in South Africa, where they now serve refugees. These faithful servants of […]
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Interview with Reuben Inwe

Our interview with Reuben Inwe is a fascinating one. His own story of encountering the Lord on a bus in Nigeria, then being led to serve and plant a church in a specific city in the north of England, is both dramatic and impacting. However, it is his challenge to the church in the West […]
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Interview with Bev Gigney

  Bev Gigney founded a children's home called Dove's Wings during her years serving in China, having had a clear call to go and work with children in that nation. Along her journey she experienced setbacks and tragedy, which sadly led to her having to leave the mission field very suddenly. An important part of […]
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Serving in Slums, Steps of Faith & Turning Tables | Nicola Neal

When Nicola and husband Simon were called out of a comfortable life into the poorest communities, they had no idea they'd end up serving in slums in Uganda. Nicola's story is an incredible exploration of steps of faith, seeing how God can bring incredible transformation to the most dire situations. You'll come away from this […]
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Interview with Andy McCullough

Having grown up in Cyprus, being married to Jessica – who is South African – and with four children who were born in the UK but grew up in the Middle East, Andy is no stranger to crossing cultures! In this insightful interview he shares his experiences and lessons learned from years serving in Istanbul, […]
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Interview with Samuel Renling

We had the chance to sit down with Samuel and hear a little about his cross-cultural story. Hailing from rural Sweden, Samuel's parents service as missionaries has had a significant impact on his own life, as he too has served in cross-cultural contexts, particularly with young people, and now as a husband to Joy, from […]
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Recommended Reading

Click the button below to explore more On-Field books, and other categories too!
How to Write Christian Communications People Want to Read
Enjoying Newsletters enables you to write compelling letters that communicate quickly, connect to the heart, and bring better support. These simple tricks will turn your monthly letter-writing from a chore into a pleasure.
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When Helping Hurts

Brian Fikkert & Steve Corbett

How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor...and Yourself
Offering a much-needed perspective on how to live the commands of Jesus, Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett explore nuanced ways of alleviating poverty. Poverty is much more than simply a lack of material resources, and it takes much more than donations and handouts to solve it.
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Jesus and the Key to Sustaining Ministry
Exhaustion, burnout, tiredness, even breakdown... sadly, such conditions are all too common these days, not least among those involved in some kind of Christian ministry. How can we address this issue?
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A Missionary’s Guide to Sharing Christ, Not a Culture of Dependency
In We Are Not the Hero, missionary Jean Johnson shares lessons including why our North American culture, church experiences, and financial solutions to church growth will not work elsewhere.
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David & Lorene Wilson

Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization
What would it look like if your church really took the last words of Jesus seriously?
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When Helping Hurts

Brian Fikkert & Steve Corbett

How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor...and Yourself
Offering a much-needed perspective on how to live the commands of Jesus, Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett explore nuanced ways of alleviating poverty. Poverty is much more than simply a lack of material resources, and it takes much more than donations and handouts to solve it.
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