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  • Biographical Books

Biographical Books We Recommend

Behind the Ranges

Geraldine Taylor

The Life-changing Story of J.O Fraser

This book tells the story of J.O. Fraser, a missionary who went one hundred years ago to the Lisu tribespeople in the mountains of Yunnan, south-western China. When he went there were no believers amongst them, far less a church. Fraser learnt the power of witness to them and of persistent prayer in breaking through Satan’s strongholds. The Lisu today have the highest percentage, pro rata, of any minority people in China. A missionary must!

By Searching

Isobel Kuhn

The amazing life of Isobel Kuhn, a missionary who served in China.

Isobel Kuhn gave up a life of comfort to serve God among the Lisu people in a mountainous region of China. Her struggle and search for God shows one the deepest truths there is, that is whether you have, or have not, believed in God already, as long as you want to know him and search him with your spirit, he will prove himself to you. This is a heart-warming read of how God transformed one woman's life forever that will inspire all those who are searching for God.

From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya

Ruth A. Tucker

A Biographical History of Christian Missions
This is history at its best. From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya is readable, informative, gripping, and above all honest. From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya helps readers understand the life and role of a missionary through real-life examples of missionaries throughout history. We see these men and women as fallible and human in their failures as well as their successes. These great leaders of missions are presented as real people, and not super-saints. From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya is as informative and intriguing as it is inspiring, an invaluable resource for missionaries, mission agencies, students, and all who are concerned about the spreading of the gospel throughout the world.

Derek Prince - A Biography

Stephen Mansfield

A Teacher for Our Time

When Stephen Mansfield asked Derek Prince what was the most important truth he had learned about life, Derek answered, "God is faithful. He keeps His word. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. I cannot emphasize this enough. It is the greatest truth of my life: God is faithful." This biography stirs your faith as you discover Prince's biblical wisdom and insight as well as his legacy as a father, prophet, teacher, and leader. As you read the story of Derek's truly remarkable life and ministry - which has led to an international organization providing Bible teaching in more than sixty languages, reaching six continents, every time zone and 120 nations - you will marvel at God's faithfulness and the truth of Derek's words. In the same way God used Derek's life, be inspired by this book and allow God to use your surrendered life to draw more meaning and purpose from it than you can possibly imagine.

Through the Gates of Splendor

Elisabeth Elliot

Five Missionaries Gave Their Lives in the Jungles of Ecuador and Made Headlines Around the World

In January 1956, a tragic but inspiring story broke in headlines across the world. Five young men had dared to make contact with a Stone Age tribe deep in the Jungles of Ecuador. The goal: to establish communication with a people whose only previous response to the outside world had been to attack all strangers. The men's mission combined modern technology with innate ingenuity, sparked by a passionate determination to get the gospel to a people without Christ.

Mountain Rain

Eileen Crossman

A biography of James O. Fraser, pioneer missionary of China

James Fraser was only 22 years old when he abandoned a promising engineering career and went to China. At first sight of the Lisu tribespeople of Yunnan province he felt an immediate affection for them. For the rest of his life, he traveled on horseback over rugged mountains, laboring to bring the Lisu the good news of Christ. Packed with personal letters, insightful anecdotes, and riveting stories of missionary life in China, this superb biography by his daughter shines with God's constant faithfulness and power over evil.

Not Good If Detached

Corrie Ten Boom

The Secret Of Abiding In Christ

In 'Not Good If Detached', Corrie reveals that the secret of "abiding in Christ" is discovered in the difficulties of life, in total dependence on him, and in a consistent daily walk. This collection of thirty devotionals imparts insight from the people Corrie met around the world as well as important lessons she learned from the Lord. "Without Him, I am nothing," wrote Corrie. "Like some railway tickets in America, I am not good if detached."

The Ruby: a Re-entry Survival Story

Suzanna Johnson

For many overseas workers, re-entry is the hardest part...

Suzanne Johnson and her family live in a children's centre in Mozambique. They love their community, ministry and way of life, but other factors are pulling them back to the UK. They face a difficult decision: to stay or to return. This is the story of their last months in Africa, followed by a journey across continents: through depression and broken relationships to reconciliation, healing and hope. "The Ruby" is ultimately a testimony of the healing power of God's love.

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