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  • Mobilisation Books

Mobilisation Books We Recommend


David & Lorene Wilson

Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization

What would it look like if your church really took the last words of Jesus seriously? The Great Commission was not just a suggestion by our Lord, but an imperative mandate given to his followers. Missionary sending agencies are deploying workers to the field, but many of them come from disengaged churches that are not producing well-equipped disciples. We need a fully integrated global supply chain—a pipeline—that has disciples as the precious commodity, as well as an effective infrastructure to distribute and replicate them around the globe. Pipeline seeks to re-engage the church in mobilizing the next generation of workers for the harvest. This is a collaboration of forty different authors from churches, agencies, and cross-cultural servants. As people in distant places wait for a messenger of hope and salvation, will your church venture into the pipeline?

Pipeline was named the Reader’s Choice for Best Mobilization book in 2018 by CatalystServices.org readers!

Mind the Gaps Engaging the Church in Missionary Care

David J Wilson

Trinity Church Missionary Care Team

Mind the Gaps is intended to empower churches, to complement and enhance the efforts of the member care department of mission sending agencies, and to reduce the attrition rate of missionaries by encouraging them and helping to develop their resilience. It provides a distinct contribution to existing missionary care literature because it is collaboratively written by an experienced and practicing missionary care team from a local church. They share their experiences, both positive and negative, and relate real stories and lessons learned. By minding the gaps in missionary care, the church can create a system of proactive care, which will ensure lasting engagement of both the church and the agency into the lives of our precious and beloved missionaries.

The Antioch Factor

Ross Paterson

The Hidden Message of the Book of Acts

There is a hidden message in the book of Acts. The code words are "Jerusalem" and "Antioch". Every church is making a right or wrong decision in this matter. The early church in Jerusalem got it wrong, so God had to change His plan to work through the Antioch church. Read the book to find out what that hidden message is! This book is the basis for our course of the same name. Check out Ross' sermons and interview. Download a free chapter from the book here!

More than Conquerors

Simon Guillebaud

A Call to Radical Discipleship

A highly challenging call to respond with our whole hearts to Christ. To follow our Saviour is not about being nice. It's about taking risks. Simon writes: 'There's a battle going on for our hearts. What I watch, what I listen to, what I spend my time and money on - all these erode my true sense of identify and worth as a child of God. Where is the vigilance, the discernment, the scrutiny? Our hearts are far too precious to treat with such lax indifference . . .I want to play my part in turning the world upside down; I want to be fearless, bold, uncompromising and passionate in reaching out to the lost on behalf of the King of Kings; I never want to get over the grace of God.' Check out our interview with Simon.

Explaining Mission

Ross Paterson

A part of the ‘explaining’ series. This is a basic, biblical overview of what Christian Mission is.

FieldPartner is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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