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  • Training Partners

Who are our training partners?

The best time to build a strong foundation is the beginning - we believe training is an essential part of any missionary journey. We are all blissfully unaware of the knowledge we lack and that is where our partners can help. They have all spent time in various areas of the mission field and have much insight to share.

The challenges a cross-cultural missionary can face may be spiritual or practical and that is why we recommend you devote some time to our courses or the resources offered by our partners.

All Nations International

All Nations is an international Christian missions training and sending organization committed to preparing Christians to share the gospel and establish churches in parts of the world where the name of Jesus Christ is little or not known. All Nations is focused on reaching the neglected – the least, the last and the lost.
More about All Nations International


MomentumYes shows people how God is moving around the world and inspires them to live out their place in God's story. The fast-paced, professional videos are perfect for any size group. Sign up at MomentumYes.com, get started and help others step into their roles.
More about MomentumYes

Here 2 There Network

We love to see missionaries fully resourced to fulfill their vision. We love to see churches. preparing and sending out missionaries. We love to see churches and missionaries working hand in hand. Because of our love for the church and missions, we desire to be a resource and support for both.
More about Here 2 There Network

Equipping Servants International

Sending Out Better Equipped
Equipping Servants International (ESI) offers Training, Counseling, and Consulting to mobilize and equip the Church of Jesus Christ to better fulfill God’s mission to reach the nations, both here at home and abroad.
More about Equipping Servants International

A Life Overseas

A Cross-cultural Conversation
The blog collective ‘A Life Overseas’ provides that place of online connection for Christ-following missionaries and humanitarian aid workers living in foreign countries– from the past, present, or future.
More about A Life Overseas

Global Trellis

We Develop Great Commission Cross-Cultural Workers
Global Trellis helps cross-cultural workers flourish through ongoing equipping and development. You need a place for your soul to breathe, your head to be engaged, and your heart to stay tender. You found it. Welcome to Global Trellis.
More about Global Trellis

Global Mobilisation Network

Increasingly we understand that mobilization involves intentionally leading churches and individuals in those churches as they progress from Discovery of God and His Mission, Development of the skills and abilities to effectively participate with God on Mission and the Deployment of disciples to reach the lost especially the unreached or unengaged peoples.
More about Global Mobilisation Network

Didasko Intercultural Ministry Training

Didasko Academy exists to inspire and equip Christians to evangelize and disciple the people groups that are without access to the gospel.
Didasko is an online resource centre for training and services covering all aspects of the task of completing the Great Commission. They provide this training free of charge, in collaboration with the global Christian community.
More about Didasko Intercultural Ministry Training

Derek Prince Ministries

Derek Prince Ministries (DPM) reaches out to believers in over 140 countries with Derek’s teachings, fulfilling the mandate to keep on “until Jesus returns”. This is effected through the outreaches of more than 45 Derek Prince Offices around the world.
More about Derek Prince Ministries

China Source

A window into Christianity in China and the key issues that impact the church. ChinaSource is a trusted partner and platform for educating the global church on critical issues facing the church and ministries in China, and for connecting Christians inside and outside China to advance the kingdom of God globally. 
More about China Source

All Nations Christian College

All Nations trains and equips men and women for effective participation in God’s mission to His multicultural world.
More about All Nations Christian College


Your Mission Is Our Mission
OSCAR is a UK based service providing information, advice and resources for all those interested or involved in cross-cultural mission. It’s a hub of opportunities, organisations, resources and event listings, as well as an online community. OSCAR, through its director Mike Frith, provides advice, training and consultancy to the mission community.
More about OSCAR

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