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FieldPartner was proud to host 'Self-care for God's Servants', an excellent presentation from Tony Horsfall. ‘Self-care for God’s Servants’ asked the question ‘Is self-care valid?’ and then looked practically at ways in which we may care for others without neglecting our own needs. In particular, Tony looked at the discipline of stopping, and the practice of sabbath. We've had lots of brilliant feedback from those who attended who were encouraged and challenged by what Tony shared. If you would like to watch the recording of the event, you can do so here:

Watch Self-care for God's Servants

Or listen as a podcast:

About Tony

Tony served as a missionary with OMF in East Malaysia, and later headed up EQUIP, a missions training programme based in England. For a number of years, he was Pastoral Carer for MAF, visiting their teams in Africa on a regular basis. Tony has a God-given passion to help those in Christian service sustain themselves over the long haul of ministry. He is an author, retreat leader, mentor and friend. He has written ‘Working From a Place of Rest’ and ‘Rhythms of Grace’.

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Published on June 21, 2021
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One comment on “Self-care for God's Servants”

  1. The message is "self-care for God's servants is uplifting. It caused me to consider more concerning the essential need for "Sabbath rest".

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