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Rowena and Barry McKnight have been missionaries for many years in Thailand. In this insightful interview into their years of service in various ministries and regions of the country, they share the importance of learning the local language, their experience in church planting and member care for other missionaries.

Barry & Rowena spent some time in the leadership of the juniper tree. Learn more here.

If you are interested in reading Barry's book, get in touch with us here.



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Published on June 25, 2021
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One comment on “Interview with Barry & Rowena”

  1. Hello, great interview with Barry and Rowena. We are friends and former school chums with the McNights from All Nation Days. Not seen or heard from them for over 40 years!! While they were ministering in Far East we were in England, Israel and Africa. Now retired in my wife's country of birth...Norway. Of course we lost contact with Barry and Rowena when leaving college and we would love to get in touch with them, even if its to swap books...Ha ha. Would you contact them on our behalf and we will leave it up to them to make contact with us if they would like.
    Bless you and many thanks
    Jack and Marit Garratt

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