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After a season of cross-cultural preparation and discernment, David and Vicki worked as missionaries for 20 years in Turkey before their return to the US. They have a strong desire to equip churches to send their missionaries well, with proper preparation and support which led them to create Equipping Servants International, as well as writing David's excellent and practical book: Mission Smart - 15 Critical Questions to Ask Before Launching Overseas. In this insightful interview, they share their story and some of the wisdom they have acquired over many years on the field. It may be especially helpful for those considering cross-cultural mission for themselves.

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Published on January 14, 2022
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One comment on “Interview with David & Vicki Frazier”

  1. Loved it. So many nuggets there. We can't emphasise enough the experience of being involved in some cross-cultural work before one goes overseas. It is also important to have the right attitudes, which include humility, in interaction with nationals on the field. We need to go as learners, not as professionals

    I loved the way they emphasised marriage and family life which needs to be strong, constantly investing in it and guarding it.

    Thank you. Let's encourage new workers to listen to podcasts like this.

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